Vision: To strengthen the global economy by promoting and facilitating multilateral trade and investment of USD 500 + billion.
Mission: To encourage All chambers and entrepreneurs to successfully expand their horizon Globally.
Objective: To establish and consolidate the first ever largest confederation of its kind worldwide.
To promote and protect the trade, commerce, manufacturers, exporters, traders and professionals of the world in particular, and other states of the world in general.
To watch and protect general commercial interests in any part thereof, and the interests of persons engaged in trade, commerce or industry in the adjoining areas/states.
To consider all questions connected with trade, commerce and relating to the manufacturers.
To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to trade, Commerce and Industry, social welfare, sports, community serving, or any other purpose except for profit.
To establish a commercial, economic and statistical library and to help for the development of commercial education by starting educational institutions or otherwise.
To consider legislative and other governmental measures affecting trade, commerce or industry and make representations to the government and make suggestions on grievances, if any.
To promote a common business networking platform that spans more than 190 countries and includes many of the world’s largest companies, SMEs, Business banks, law firms, local Chambers of Commerce, individuals and other organizations.
To adjudicate controversies between members of the chambers.
To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions between parties willing or agreeing to abide by the judgment and decision of the Committee of the Chamber.
To form a code or codes or practice to simplify and facilitate transaction of business and maintain uniformity in rules, reputations, and usages of trade.
To communicate with mercantile and public bodies and concerns and promote measures for the protection of trade and commerce and manufacturers and persons engaged therein.
To acquire, by purchase, take on lease, or otherwise, lands and buildings, and all other property, movable and immovable, which the chamber may from time to time think proper to acquire.
To improve, manage, develop, exchange, lease, or sublet, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Chamber.
To construct upon any premises acquired for the purpose of chamber or any building or buildings, or add to or remove any building upon such premises.
To incur expenses for the business of the chamber, and grant pensions or bonuses to staff or amenities, etc.
To subscribe to, become a member of, and cooperate with any other association, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of this Chamber, and to procure from and communicate to any such association such information as may be likely to promote the objects of this association, and to do all such other things as may to be conducive to the extension of trade, commerce, and industry, or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
No object of the Company shall be carried out without obtaining proper approval from the competent authority wherever required, and no object of the Company shall be carried out on a commercial basis.
However, the company shall apply its surplus, if any, in promoting its objects, and shall prohibit payment of any dividend.