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The Government of Kenya has made plans to use more automation services at the Mombasa port in a bid to meet the rising demands at the port. According to statistics from the Kenya Ports of Authority (KPA), the port serviced 17.5 tonnes of cargo in a six month period in 2017. This is a substantial increase from the 15.7 million sum recorded in 2016.

Cabiniet Secretary, James Macharia, said that he expected the port is to receive more cargo, particularly with the burden from neighboring nations. This will make automation key to accomplishing objectives for the port of Mombasa. “We are continuing to implement the Mombasa Port Community Charter devised in 2014. Most important is the automation of services under the Kenya National Single Window System as we anticipate more cargo coming especially directed to our neighbours,” he was cited saying.

Catherine Mturi-Wairi revealed an ascent in export activity to 2,182,232. This number has ascended by 36,094 tons. Import activity additionally recorded a rise of 12.1 percent to 14,803,838 tons from 13,209,720. The expansion was driven by mass items, of the likes of wheat, clinker, palm oil and refined oil based goods. “Handling such quantities needs an efficient and automated cargo handling system. We already have one in place but we will be working with partners like Trade Mark East Africa to improve on it,” said Ms Mturi-Wairi. The automation comes even as the Kenya Shippers Council CEO Gilbert Langat said cargo handling at the port is still slow due to poor systems, calling on KPA to improve it. “Cargo handling operations and poor use of systems are some of the challenges facing cargo movement at the port,” he said.

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